2008 in a few days, I figure I'd put my resolutions down. Here they are:
1) Lose weight
2) Be more efficient
3) Be less lazy
4) Study (I need a 80% grade average. Ugh. Also related to Number 3.)
5) Piss less people off
6) Be much less bitchy (Also linked to Number 5)
7) Join more clubs and, um, be active and whatnot (something that I would never, ever encourage someone to do. But I need a scholarship. Unfortunately for me, they don't only look at academics. Just as well, though. My grades are so sucking right now.)
8) Lose weight.
So. I'll try to, erm, keep to those stuffs above, especially Numbers 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
New Year's Resolutions.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Well, it's Christmas Eve, and I haven't done anything productive besides (in no particular order):
1) Eating
2) Going to the movies with my mom and watching National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
3) Listening to Tokio Hotel's Monsoon over, and over, and over, again (I dunno why, but I just love that song)
4) Stuffing my face
5) TRYING to learn Mandarin
6) Sleeping
7) Bingeing (on food, not alcohol)
8) Watching Hot Shots: Part Deux! on PayTV
Can't think of anything else right now. But when I do, it'll probably be something edible.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tales of Europe.
It is with ABSOLUTE GLEE(!!) that I write this:
My mom's boss just came back from his Europe (London, France, Spain!) trip (with his friends and their families, and his as well), and man, they finally blew their top!! They used the same tour guide they always did, which is Annie, who went with the whole bunch of us to Hong Kong. (I hate that bitch because among other things, she's the reason I only got to spend three hours in Hong Kong Disneyland. AND IT WAS MY FIRST TIME IN A DISNEYLAND, EVER!!!! THREE FUCKING HOURS!!!). Anyway, by the time my mom and I were halfway through that trip, we were pretty much complaining, to each other, at least, 'cos the trip's free for us. If I complained outright, I probably can't go for free the next time or summat. Yeah. Like I'm gonna go if that bitch is still hanging around.
My mom's going to Beijing in a bit, and if I want to go (which I can't, 'cos I've got class), she'd have to pay for me. Knowing how her bunch is going to pretty much mess everything up (and I've been to Beijing anyway), I said, "Hellz, no". (My mom said, "Bitchings should be done on free trips"). Even if it was free, it'll probably be another Hong Kong.
Anywho, on our trip, my mom's boss and his two friends are pree-ty high up in the government, and that's why Annie was cozying up to the eldest son of my mom's boss's friend (I reckon, 'cos he's the only one around her age group that's loaded) in HK. I call him Imhotep, because he REALLY looks like Arnold Vosloo in The Mummy movies (that, and, well, I don't really know the guy's name), except darker, shorter (I think), and scrawnier. HE wanted to stay at Disneyland until 8pm, and my mom thought that Annie was going back with us at 4. If bitch had told us that she was staying with those remaining till 8, I wouldn't have to GO BACK AT 4-FRIGGIN'-PM!!!!
My mom's office (and herself) didn't go to Europe, but the same Three did. The tour guide's the one that has to basically herd everyone around, and make sure they don't get lost. That's why they're called the guide. My mom heard (from her boss), that they were the ones that had to keep an eye out on where she is, and that instead of staying in the city (where, I would say, the heart of everything is), they stayed in this hotel really outside of town (or is it, Hostel? *wink wink*). Turns out, most of their trip was spent on the bus, travelling to and fro. And Bitch is really trying to sink her claws into Immi. The whole bunch caught her leaning on his chest(??!!) once (I'm not sure about the 'chest' part because that came from my mom. Shoulder, yeah, but Chest sounds a bit off. Doesn't really seem possible... Anyway, main point: body contact). As Sebastian (one of my fave characters from Little Britain) once said, "Oh, she's so BLATANT!!!" Mind you, that time he was referring to Simon Callow. Haha. Luckily for Immi, though, he's kinda a momma's boy, and his mother DOESN'T approve of Annie!
Oo, oo!! And they had trouble at Customs 'cos you're supposed to follow what's written in the passport to the letter, and Annie added 'Dato' ' before each person's name in that form thingy before entry. Suck-up. It's like Ian McKellen going around putting 'Sir' before his name in forms and stuff. I thought he was rather miscast as Magneto and Leigh Teabing, but he certainly has the voice, for those characters. (Loud and booming! Yeah!). Anyway, I think they were trying to get past Customs without attracting attention, because they were in London, and they're Muslim. You get the picture.
So, they just came back two days ago, landing in Singapore for a connecting flight back home. After they landed here, Annie told them to collect Boss's daughter's bag. And they were like, "Why? Shouldn't the bags be in KL?" (Daughter's to take separate connecting flight to Kuala Lumpur). But they did anyway, thinking it was a mistake, and afterwards, didn't put too much thought into it.
Bombshell during dinner: They were eating together (Bitch had already gone home), and that's when the daughter called. From Singapore. Yup. Apparently Annie messed up arrangements, so they wouldn't let the daughter board the flight to KL. In a nutshell, she's stuck in Singapore.
So they called Annie. And she wouldn't pick up! Meaning she knew! Anyway, an hour later, they managed to get the poor girl a flight back. Home, not KL. See the massive grin on my face as I'm typing this.
Next day, the Boss kept trying to call the tour agency to talk to Annie but they kept saying she was out. So he asked my mom to call instead. Once Annie was on the line, she passed it to him! Minutes later (same building), Bitch rushed up to the office and was apologizing. After the whole row, she sent the Boss a text message apologizing, and saying that she felt like she was treating him like her uncle, meaning like family. I was like, "If she was treating the bunch of you like family, she wouldn't have stranded your friggin' daughter in Singapore!"
These bunch of people have been using Annie for countless of trips. And only now the find out that she really, really sucks?? My mom said that they might be complaining to the Tourism Board about this. Honestly, I don't think that threat's going to come through, but it'd be an interesting day at the office. Well, till next week, anyway. Tomorrow's the weekend.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The telly's back!
And I officially feel more alive! Been feeling rather dead the past coupla' days because the TV broke down. Right now our current telly is really tiny (the square of the whole telly is the same size as our big TV's screen), but it DEFINITELY is better than no TV at all. And I was running out of DVD's to watch. Apparently we don't have that many. C'est la vie.
Read More......Sunday, December 9, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 10: Truth And Consequences
I have no idea why, but I just realised that I forgot to put a summary up the week before last. Huh.
(You know the drill.)
Sylar with his shirt off!! Maya knocks on his door while he's killing Alejandro, so he pretends that he was in the shower. Then they make out. Wow. First Milo Ventimiglia and now Zachary Quinto. Not that I'm complaining or anything. No, sirree...
I feel like strangling Micah's STOOPID cousin. And kicking him multiple times.
Bob shows up at the Bennet's place, and gives them HRG's ashes (ah, but we all know that HRG isn't dead!). Before they leave, she release HRG's ashes into the sea. Now, Elle was asked by Bob to follow them around, but wasn't careful enough, till Claire spotted her after she emptied HRG's urn. The part when Elle was trying to get away was really funny. Her right arm's in a sling, and she's holding a drink with her left, and she's also trying to start the car with her left, and she finally drops the whole drink. I couldn't stop laughing.
Hiro finds out that Takezo Kensei = Adam Monroe, and Hiro teleports back 30 years ago to see what happened to Adam. He sees the guards apprehend Adam before taking him in. Young Kaito talks to Young Victoria, and he says he'll lock up the virus. Young Vicky is pressing for it to be destroyed, but Kaito refuses, so she quits. (Funny, if she quit-ted the Company when she was young, then why is Joanna Cassidy in the Original 12 photo? Unless I misinterpreted the whole situation).
Anyway, Peter and Adam go to Odessa to get the virus, and time freezes. Peter turns around, and Hiro is there, wanting to kill Adam. Peter won't allow Hiro to do so (because he's just gullible that way!) and Hiro raises his sword, yells and charges at Peter. Peter readies a lightning ball, and as Hiro charges at him, the camera zooms in onto the sword, with the blue light reflecting off the Kensei sign. Sweet!
By the way, I was wrong. Sylar only called Mohinder in this episode; they don't meet till the next.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 11: Powerless
Well, this is the final episode of the current Heroes season, since the Hollywood writers' strike isn't resolved yet, and no writers means no scripts, and no scripts means no stories. And no stories means REALITY TV ALL DAY!!! ARRRGHHHHHH!!!
(Meh, spoilers)
Niki goes to save Monica, building's burning and finally blows up. That's really lousy. I mean, Niki's one of the regulars... And Monica should really watch Assassins. There's this scene where Antonio Banderas breaks his thumb and slides his hand out of the cuffs. Now THAT's cool...
Matt and Nathan go to intercept Peter and Adam in Texas. Nathan flew and Matt rode on his back. Heehee. Hiro got to do his "FLYING MAHNN!!" routine (gosh, I miss that), and they go in to stop Peter. (Seriously, Peter's really gullible this time around. My mom doesn't follow the show and even SHE knew that Adam was the bad guy at first glance. She was like, "Why's Peter talking to that guy? He looks bad." Then I said, "Yes he is, mom. He was Mr. Sark in Alias.")
Elle is rebuked by Bob for messing up the stakeout (Claire discovering her last week was still the funniest thing to happen). She's upset, so after talking to HRG (who's still alive, yay), she goes to Bob's office and checks his spy cams. And sees Sylar in Mohi's lab. Ooo...
Claire's so boring for me, I'm not even gonna bother.
I thought this episode was okay. The best part was when Maya starts freaking out about her brother (she finally finds out that Sylar killed Alejandro) and Sylar rolls his eyes, turns around and shoots her. Really, from the exasperated look he had, Maya had that coming a looong time. Anyway, Maya is Reversed, as Sylar told Mohi to test the cure on her first. If she comes back to life, he'll take it to heal himself, 'cuz he has the same strain of the Shanti virus as Niki (Oooo...).
(I saw forums; someone said that particular scene was like Sylar saying, "Let's bring Maya back to piss the fans off!" That really made me laugh. Not that I hate Maya or anything, I just found her storyline dull. She was like Matt in Season 1. And she was a bit too gullible and kept saying "GAH-bri-ELL..." all the time. She REALLY had that one coming... Pity her brother though).
Anyway, Elle comes along and saves everyone. But she didn't get Sylar though.
Press conference. Nathan's about to tell everyone that he could fly when he gets shot. As everyone's crowding around Nathan, we see someone walking out of the room. Looks like HRG. Darn.
End of Volume 2.
Volume 3's called Villains (now that's a cool opposite-thingy there!), and we see Sylar use the cure on himself, and try his telekinesis out on a poor, unsuspecting spinach can. (My first thoughts were, "First Spock, now POPEYE!! He's on FIRE!!"). Telekinesis works.
(Ironically, even though Vol. 3 = Villains, initially Sylar isn't going to be in it much, because Zachary Quinto's doing Star Trek, but with the strike on now, by the time he's done filming, he'll be able to come back to the show, and make everyone's lives miserable. Nice.)
(Because what happened today, well, I just couldn't put it in a title!)
Well, I was driving to class today, and there's this car looking meshed up from behind, and the thing was, it's between on the curb, between the tree and the college proper. And I was like, "How on EARTH did that car get all the way THERE??!" But I think I saw some cops, so I tried not to stare too much, and drove into the college.
The whole bunch of us were pretty much talking about the accident. Sze Mun said she turned into the college driveway, stopped, stared, until someone behind her honked, then she moved. That was just about the funniest thing I've ever heard.
So anyway, I reckoned that said crumpled car was trying to turn into the college or something, when the car behind rammed into it, causing it to go between, well, in the awkward position it's in now. The back did look pretty bad...
So after class, as I was turning out, I got the chance to see the side and front of the car. Oh BOY WAS IT RUINED!!! Front was smashed, side was all, well, WRONG!!! It looked like the car was on the curb, minding its own business, when ALLUVA SUDDEN, this TREE comes along and impales the poor thing on its side. Or vice versa, where the tree's just standing there, and the car comes falling on him. But then the car would be in the foliage and we'd be looking up and there'd be a pileup cos everyone'd wanted to get higher and higher to see the wreckage and the college entrance would be blocked and everyone can't get in cos they closed off the other entrance and we'd have to walk and no one would show up cos nobody wants to walk and they'd have to close the college down temporarily. (Try saying the previous sentence really fast). NO CLASSES FOR THE ENTIRE WEEK!!!
But I digress. This is very serious business. Hope to read about it in the papers to see what actually happened.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Dream-related postage.
So over the course of the past few days, I didn't have any spit- or bathroom-related dreams. Lucky me.
Last night though, I had another one about Lestat (and by that I mean Stuart Townsend. Seriously! Why?!!). Can't remember too much about the Lestat one though.
And also. Bugs. Lots and lots, of bugs.
From the usual small beetle-ish ones that have the tendency to fly into my hair, to the more exotic and weird-looking insects. For instance, a few days ago, a beetle (of the first sort) flew in, and was apparently either 1) too fat, 2) too exhausted, or 3) a combination of the two, to fly out of my window. And so he crawled everywhere that was behind my old computer. From the back to the front, and to the back again. And when finally(!) he had enough strength(/energy?) to fly out, he flew about aimlessly, missed the window, hit the wall, and fell back in the area behind my computer. Sheesh. I haven't heard from him in a while, so hopefully, he's either out, or dead.
I dreamt about said beetle yesterday. And there was this white spider with black streaks about the size of a tarantula (but not as hairy), that was hanging around the snack cart (well, it doesn't have snacks on it, but I eat snacks on it. And I also leave everything else on it) in the living room. He fell into a bag with some DVD's in them (I think it was a DVD. And no, I can't remember which movie it was. Might be The Producers. But I think that it may have been The Producers because my mom and I just watched it yesterday). Anywho, I grabbed the bag, crumpled it up (cos I was REALLY grossed out!) and went to the balcony to fling it out. Then I stopped to wonder whether I should've taken the DVD out before I scrunched the bag up. I mean, if I lobbed the bag out, my mom's gonna yell at me, and if I don't, I'm going to be the one doing the yelling the entire day.
I can't recall whether I'd reached a decision or not, but next thing I knew, this huge blue insect crawled up onto some... thingy on the floor, in front of the telly (which is weird, because we sent the TV for fixing yesterday. And yet in my dream, the telly's still in the usual place). Anyway, I started the usual yelling, and my mom nudged (slightly kicked?) the box-thingy, and the insect broke into half. I was like, "Ewwww...", and then, as I looked at the bottom half of said gross insect, it kinda layered up. I mean, I could see its insides and all, but looking from the top down, the bottom half looked like it had more than it originally did, after my mom kicked the box. Then I looked closer at the top half, and then I realised that it was a FROG! A BLUE FROG!! Right now I figured it's because I kept looking at my Azureus icon too much, but in my dream I didn't think of that yet. I was like, "Ohmigosh, it's regenerating!" (I really watch too much Heroes). And I looked at both halves, and sure enough, they were slowly rebuilding(?) themselves. I sat down to stare at them a bit longer, but unfortunately then, I woke up.
Right now I'm going to stuff my face. Surprisingly, our kitchen isn't swarmed with bugs. It's infested by lizards.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
In Dreams.
(Which is also the title of this great movie starring Annette Bening and Robert Downey, Jr. Coincidence? OF COURSE NOT!)
When I get really nervous about something, I dream about them days beforehand. I know. Freak alert. But true.
1) Form 3 government exam results was released: Day before, I dreamt that I got 6A's. And I thought, "That's not too bad. At least it's not 2A's. And most definitely, 6 is bigger than 2. So that's really, really good, considering I only got 2A's for my Standard 6 government exam." Turns out I got 7. Which is also good, if not even better, since 7 is not only bigger than 2, but also bigger than 6. Yay me.
2) Form 5 government exam results: This is REALLY something to be nervous about, since it determines whether you're able to go to college or Form 6, and you'd have to pass Malay to do so. Otherwise, no matter how many A's you have, once you get an F for Malay, it's an automatic failure for the entire exam. Which means retaking the whole thing. Oh hooey. Anyway, not only did I dream about the whole thing, but I dreamt about the entire thing twice! With two very different situations!
i) 9A's. Few days before.
ii) 6A's. And this was the day before the results were out. In fact, I dreamt about my classmates' results as well. Mei Lin got 13A's (I'm not sure what she actually got), Mei Chen got 11 (I don't know why, she only took 10 subjects), and the rest of us were moping about because we didn't do so well. And Keng Yee was whining about her 8A's, and I was like, 'Stop complaining, at least you got 8!' (Surprisingly, she DID get 8 in real life. I think. Oh dear...)
So far, whatever I'm nervous about, I have dreams about. It's weird though, the past few times. I'm nervous about my results, REALLY nervous, since they all cost a lot of money (the government ones are free; it's just embarassing when you flunk them), but I haven't had the dreams. But recently, I've had dreams because I was REALLY, REALLY nervous about my exam results that came out yesterday (which, very luckily, I passed). Just not the ones that are exams results-related.
Dream 1, two days before: Stuart Townsend's back as Lestat, and as usual, I'm gushing over how gorgeous he looks (I mean, critics may've liked Tom Cruise in Interview With The Vampire, but I say Stuart Townsend IS Lestat. Probably because he looks SO MUCH BETTER in the white make-up. AND they didn't die his hair pure blonde. Which they should've, like the book, but thank goodness they didn't. And that feline grace and whatnot all came into play as well). The whole movie (or show, I'unno) is about Lestat going around and seducing all the women on the island. I don't remember seeing any blood-drinking, but I do remember wondering which book the movie was based on ("not Memnoch, not Body Thief, not..." etc.). And I saw Keira Knightley and a bunch of other familiar faces in there, and I was like, "Not bad for a direct-to-TV/DVD movie!" Stuart Townsend's a really random choice. I haven't seen Queen Of The Damned in ages. But I did see him in Aeon Flux. And Trapped. Okay, maybe not so random at all.
Dreams 2, day before or something: I have absolutely no idea why, but Stephenie, Pamela and I were in this bookstore, and we were looking for books, and alluva sudden, the cast of Heroes walks in! (Honestly, I can't believe that I'm actually THAT crazy about the show). I see Sendhil Ramamurthy, Zachary Quinto, Kristen Bell, and some others that I can't remember (their faces, not their names). And I was like, "Ohmigosh, that's HEROES!!" I kept freaking out, and my friends couldn't care a hoot (they were like, "Ohhhh....", then went back to whatever they were doing) because they don't watch the show (not that they don't WANT to, the show just doesn't air on free TV. Really surprising though, since 8TV gets all the really good shows first), so they don't know the significance of the entire thing. Sheesh.
So that's that. Yesterday night I dreamt that I was brushing my teeth. And then I spit. And the action itself felt so real that I woke up and felt my front, and I was like, "Whew! No spit."
Then I felt that my sleeve was wet and I was like, "Ewwww..."
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 9: Cautionary Tales
FINALLY! They've upped the anté! This episode is by far, the best and most interesting one of the season! Even my mom leaned in (cos we were watching in on the ol' big laptop) to watch, and she rarely does that with the other previous episodes. Anywho, my round-up:
(As usual, spoiler warning)
Hiro: Hiro's really upset that his dad died so he goes back in time to prevent it. He manages to get back to the night Kaito died, during Kaito's conversation with Angela. Kaito then tells him that it's fate that he has to die, and that Hiro shouldn't try to save him and change history. Hiro (naturally!) tries to convince Kaito otherwise, and takes him back further to the time when Hiro's mom died. Then there's this really heartwarming sequence where Hiro meets and talks to Past Hiro (about 10 years old or something). You'd think that part'd be draggy but it isn't. After talking to Little Hiro, Big Hiro's finally convinced that Kaito has to die, since it's already destined so. He teleports Kaito back to the rooftop, says his final goodbyes, then leaves. Then it happens. Halfway through, everything freezes, and Hiro steps out, saying he can't change the past, but he can find out who the murderer is (at that point, Kaito and Hoodie are just a little over the edge). Hiro goes closer, and guess WHO?! TAKEZO KENSEI!!! Well, at least now Hiro knows who he's up against.
Matt: Matt's section is usually really tedious and boring, I find. Lately though, his powers are evolving, so he's getting much more interesting. He now finds out that he can do... (drum-roll, please)... mind-control. He tells Molly to finish her cereal. Haha. Jedi mind-tricking everyone, he manages to get the chance to interrogate Angela about the last of the final 12, since no one knows where she is. Angela's really fighting it, and she tells him that the final member just wants to be left alone, and that if he were to pry that information out of her, he'd be no different than his own father. So Matt stops and thinks a bit. If I'm not wrong, he didn't press for the last member's location, but when the camera pans onto the picture of the 12, we see that the final unknown member now has a name: Victoria Pratt. (By the way, wasn't there a Victoria Pratt in Cleopatra 2525?)
Claire's people and the Company: Claire doesn't want to leave Costa Verde, and Bob, Elle and Mohinder are coming for her. And we finally get confirmation that Bob is Elle's dad. West still feels betrayed that Noah is his HRG and thinks that Claire was spying on him, so he swoops down on Noah and asks him for the truth, SKY HIGH!! So anyway, Noah tells him it, and West lands. Earlier on, Noah had asked Mohinder to look up where West is. Since Mohi is working with BobElle, he gives him the wrong street name. Luckily for us ('cuz Noah's so bad-ass you can't help but love the guy), Noah already has West, and knows it's a trap. So there.
Noah drives down to the road and meets up with Mohi. Mohi says they just want to take a sample of Claire's blood. Noah refuses, so Elle comes along to do damage control. Then out of nowhere, West swoops down and knocks her out cold. Mohi pulls his gun out, and there's this quick cut-scene to the painting of Mohi pointing a gun directly towards the viewer. Noah knocks the gun out of Mohi's hand, and hits him in his already-broken nose. Yay.
On the other side, Bob approaches Claire while she's in cheerleading practice. She runs home to find her dad and to warn everyone else. By then, Noah had already shown Sandra the pictures of the 8 paintings, the 8th being his death. Finally(!!), Claire sees the 8th. Honestly, I know that Noah's trying to protect Claire, but he really should've shown her the picture earlier. Then Bob comes in with a gun, and takes Claire away. He then extracts her blood, quite a lot of it, actually.
Noah comes back with West and Elle, and frees Sandra (who was duct-taped by Bob). He then drenches Elle with water so she can't conduct electricity. Ha! When she tries to, the whole electricity thing spreads (it's really painful), then Noah says, "Stings like a bitch, doesn't it?"
He's way cool.
We then find out that Elle was experimented heavily on when she was a kid (because of her abilities), and that her father was the one who was heading the research team. That's why Noah doesn't want to let Claire up to the Company. So now Elle's a bit deflated (since she's perky and rather unperturbed most of the time). Noah calls Bob to make a trade-off. At the trade-off, the, erm, trade-off happens. West flies off with Claire. But as Elle's walking over to Bob and Mohi, she uses her electricity powers to break the duct tape (she was duct-taped), and she hurls a bolt at West and Claire. West gets hit, they both fall, Claire lands first (since she can't die) so that West would be alright (well, wouldn't be any worse off than he already is). Noah shoots Elle, hitting her in the arm, and Bob runs to her. Noah wants to kill Bob, but Mohi pulls his gun out, threatens him a bit with it, then shoots him in the eye. We see Claire running to her father, and West restraining her (at least now we know that she wasn't KISSING WEST when her father dies!), like in the 8th painting. West flies off with Claire.
In the end, we see a blood bag with an IV linking into a man's arm. Camera pans upward, and it's Noah, broken glasses and all. Ruined, shot-out eye slowly becomes not ruined, and then Noah wakes up. How cool is that?! HRG DIDN'T DIE!! YAYNESS!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 8: Four Months Ago
Well, this is the episode we've been waiting for.
First of all, we have Nathan and Peter flying off. Messageboards have been saying, 'Why couldn't Peter have flown off and blow himself up instead of making his brother do it?' Well now, it's cos Peter's doing all he can to not blow up, and can't fly or use any other powers. So there.
Peter blows up, Nathan gets thrown off, it's all really cool. Sucks for Nathan though; he got charred. Really, really charred. Like really, blackened chicken (or any other bird or thing, if you will).
Anyway, Peter (flying!) catches him and sends him to the hospital. Then he's walking (someplace?), then this lightning bolt flies out and hits in the back. It's Ecletical Elle! And Bob! Who's her daddy! (He really is. Chapter 11 description).
When Peter comes to, he's with Elle and Bob. Long story short (I know, too late), Peter's gonna use the Company's new drug to suppress his powers, since he doesn't want to endanger the people around him.
(Basically the whole episode is of Peter being in his cell, with Elle bringing him his meds. Oh, and she's the one that cut his hair. And guess who's next door? ADAM!)
Maya and Alejandro: Alejandro's wedding, Maya catches his wife cheating with her ex, ex threatens Maya, she cries, whole town dies. That's pretty much sums it.
Niki and DL: Bob tells Niki that she might have other personalities and gives her meds. But they make her unbelievably depressed (or something) so she washes them down the drain. Turns out that she does have another personality, and her name's Gina! Gina takes over, and goes to LA. DL manages to track Gina down (she left a note) and when they start to leave, that other dude that she was dancing with pops out in front of them, and shoots DL in the chest. Point-blank. And that's what killed him.
Now that's a seriously lame way to die. I mean, getting shot by Linderman doesn't kill you, but getting shot by a flunky DOES??? How lame is THAT?? Honestly, the writers don't do DL's death justice.
Anyway, from this episode we know why Nathan doesn't have any scars. Adam used his blood to heal him.
Nothing on Sylar. I specifically remember the preview saying, 'What happened to Sylar?' I wanted to see how Candice hauled his ass into the sewers (seeing that he is pretty tall), and then flew his ass all the way to South America.
I still think last week's episode was the best.
The Trinity of all illnesses!
Anywho, I got the Fever-Food Poisoning Combo on Monday. Suffice to say, it was not good. And even now, I still don't know why I got it. Was it the chicken? The overtly-rich ice-cream? Meh. Either way, the combo was a major ass-painer.
So for the entire Monday, I was just laying there in bed, feeling sorry for myself. Well, not really, since I felt so sucky I wasn't even SURE that I could feel sorry for myself. I mean, can you imagine pooping and puking at the same time? Sucks even more ass than it actually sounds. Lying down was the only way to stop the puking. Somehow, standing up made me puke, which was really weird, since I figured, lying down would be easier to get the food up your throat, rather than standing, what with gravity and all. Science is so weird. Makes me wish I'd done a biology degree.
Tuesday, we went to see the doctor's. Came back, didn't puke (luckily!), and I had to take TWO tablets for antibiotics TWICE a day! Overdose already! Six meds to take (luckily, they're on a need-to basis). I pretty much took the vomit pills first. I hate vomiting. At least now I know that I'll never be bulimic.
Wednesday was slightly better, but I keep having headaches. Worse, my nose kept getting stuck, even when I wasn't laughing before. I realized that I had the flu. Great. The Trinity of all Illnesses: The Flu-Fever-Food Poisoning Combo!
Thursday: Kept myself together for a bit, and wasn't too headachy when I downloaded the new Heroes episode. Meh. Personally I felt that last week's the best. But they're gonna wrap up the Volume soon. Hopefully next week's would be more fast-paced. And will Sylar kill someone already!
Friday (today, DUH!): Realized that the headaches were from lack of sleep. It's not like I'm not turning in late; it's just that I CAN'T BLOODY FALL ASLEEP!! I'm sick, and I'm restless. What luck. Anyway, felt a little bit better today (fingers crossed!) to blog. Emailed my friend's landlady, yadda yadda yadda etc. I think it's gonna be a boring weekend.
Really though, you'd think that one day of purging and not eating would make your stomach smaller. Well, smaller a little bit, at any rate. Funny. I had an egg sandwich just now. I still want a noodle.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Heroes Caption Contest XIV
And I did it once again! Yatta! And they still think I'm a dude. Sheesh! Anyway, here's the snapshot:And here's the link with the rest of the comments: Heroes Caption Contest XIV
The one about The Writers Guild Association was pretty good. And so was the one about the telekinetic mucus extraction.
This is Piggy, signing off!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Heroes Caption Contest XIII - HeroesFanatic.com
(I know, info overload, but I haven't updated in a while cos of exams)
The other time I joined the Heroes Caption Contest, but couldn't really claim credit for it, since I used a different username instead of my usual one. Well, ever since then, I've been using my usual one (every single week!), and I scored one again! Here it is: I know, I know, I shouldn't use the HaLo angle all the time, but really, I only did that because all the good ones have already been taken (and the good ones are dirtay!). Here's the link to the other comments: Heroes Caption Contest XIII. As you can see, the first few ones already hit the spot. And I'm a she!!
Music, music, music....
So I finally got a reply from the university enrolment officer, saying that I can be exempted in prerequisite part since I have a Grade 8 distinction (yes, thank you very much!). All I've to do now is think about whether I want to take the two electives in Semester 2 (which means that, the people that I want to show my electives off to would've graduated already), or to spread out the electives for two semesters (one each). The one that needs the prerequisite has a paper in Music History, something that I'm interested in. Decisions, decisions, decisions....
Talking about music, the past few days I was checking out Weird Al Yankovic. Yup, that's right. His videos are absolutely hilarious! If I hadn't seen the videos, I don't think I'd have appreciated his music more. Smells Like Nirvana was really spot-on with the original Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. Fat was cute. I really wish he'd do a video for every parody he does. Right now, Trapped In The Drive-Thru (based on R. Kelly's Trapped In The Closet; which is pretty nice in itself) is running through my head.
Pamela told me that she likes System Of A Down's Lonely Day. I was really surprised; System Of A Down's alternative, and she's pretty much stuck on oldies and mildies. Turns out the song had a bit part in Disturbia, and as Shia LaBeouf is her current craze (I get it, he's very likeable, but he's not cute, ya know), I'm guessing that Disturbia is her favourite movie right now. Anyway, I checked out the song, it's not bad. Love the music; too bad about the lyrics. Maybe it's just me, but I find it kinda emo. There's only so many times you can say 'lonely day' in every sentence. I mean, Weird Al did say 'drive-thru' 7 or 8 times, but it's a parody! Like, R. Kelly said 'closet' like 5 times before the song ended!
Heroes: Generations Chapter 7: Out Of Time
(Okay, so I skipped Chapter 6. I wanted to watch it yesterday, but Part 3 didn't download right, so I got sick of the whole thing and didn't watch it. At any rate, I've read the episode summary last week already)
Spoilers? Most definitely!
Chapter 7, by far, is the only one with the most going on, compared to the previous episodes, which were quite slow (even Chapter 3, with Sylar in it), and I find, is the best at the moment. Let's go character by character:
Hiro: Hiro escapes, and goes back to blow up Whitebeard's guns, but not before having a (mild) swordfight with Kensei. Kensei says he'll make sure everyone of Hiro's suffers (personally, Hiro should say that it's proven that he can never be with the person he loves, so boo on you). Guns blow up, tents blow up, Kensei's in them, so he pretty much burns too. Then seeing that his work is done, Hiro leaves for the future(!), but not before getting emotional when he has to leave Yaeko. It's actually pretty heartfelt, and FINALLY(!!), we get to see Hiro and Ando in the same scene. Hiro even did a 'Yatta!' He's so cute...
Mohinder, Bob, Nathan, Matt, Niki (long list, haha): Last week, Niki came to be Mohinder's significant other in the Company, and by that, I mean she became his partner (I'm tempted to put the word 'mutant' before 'partner', but apparently they make it a point to not to use the word 'mutant'. Hence, the word 'Heroes'). The bunch knows that Maury is after Bob, and Bob wants Matt to fight his father, seeing that they have the same powers (duplication!), only that Maury's is more evolved.
Then we have a DL sighting! Maury was tinkering with Niki, so she sees DL and starts talking to him. Mohinder sees her as being nuts, then realizes that Maury is there. He tries to pacify Niki, but since she's in her nightmare, she throws Mohi against the wall (or something). Bob and Nathan (more on them later) hears it, and so does Matt, who's sitting with Comatose Molly.
Matt goes out of the room, and instead of the white walls of the Company, it's his dad's apartment (I think). Molly's there, and she says that this is where the Nightmare Man (ie Maury) keeps her. Matt already knows that he can speak to people using his mind, so he telepathically calls for his father. And then his father's there! In the same room! Maury's like, 'Did you bring me in here?' and Matt's like, 'Yeah.' Matt manages to turn the tables on his father, and leave the room with Molly through the door he came in from (because at first he tried to bring Molly out, but the door wouldn't open), saying that the room isn't his nightmare, but actually Maury's (because Maury left when Matt was 12, and something about guilt or whatnot). Matt wakes up, Molly wakes up, and there on the floor, is Maury, trapped in his own nightmare. This whole part was way cool. At first I thought Molly was part of Maury's work, but it wasn't. Oh well.
Niki was persuaded (by Fake DL) to jab one (the virus) in Bob, but managed to snap out of it in time to stick it in herself. On to curing Niki, we say, but when Mohi tries to, he finds out that the viral strain has developed immunity towards his blood. He can't cure her. Dang. Bob tells Mohi that there's this girl who can regenerate (yeah, three guesses who that is. For the uninitiated, it's Claire), and that if they can get a sample of her blood, they might be able to cure Niki. Then Bob gives Mohi a Company-issued gun, just in case Noah tries anything. There's a painting of a broken-nosed Mohi holding a Company gun, barrel smoking. How ominous. Then Mohi tells Bob that he's been working with Noah the past few months to take the Company down. I was like, 'Whut?'. Serious overstep there, pal!
Earlier on (before the big fight), we have Bob and Nathan talking. Bob's telling him (I can't remember whether he told the rest or not) that Maury is actually a pawn of this guy called Adam Monroe, the main founder of the Company who brought everyone together. They locked Adam up, but he escaped two weeks ago. Bob also tells Nathan that Peter's alive, but they lost track of him. And then Niki-Maury-Matt happened. Yadda yadda yadda.
Claire: has been boring the past few weeks. I was beginning to feel that she's only there to remind people that she's still part of the regular cast. FINALLY, West finds out that HRG is her father. He then takes off. Noah realizes that the prank West and Claire pulled in Chapter 6 (the one making Debbie look like she was drunk) was, well, pulled by West and Claire. He confronts her, and tells the family that they're moving away. Claire says, 'You're just gonna have to go without me,' then storms off.
Peter: is in NYC 2008, having travelled there the previous episode with Caitlin, and finds out that 93% of the world's population is dead, and NYC's already evacuated. Then a bunch of people in those quarantine suits come along, and hose them down, in case of infection. Then the guy-in-charge (Darn it, can't remember his name) tells Peter that the Shanti virus infected almost everyone, is highly contagious, and then shows people this huge warehouse with loads of body-bags, all victims of the virus. Yikes. Caitlin is about to deported back to Ireland. Yikesier.
Angela shows up, and of course, having amnesia, Peter doesn't know who she is. Then he has this flash-back thing going on, memories, and then he finally recognises her as his mother. Cue emotional moment. Then Angela was about to take him someplace(?) and alongside (separated by those wire fences), people were being herded out, and Peter sees Caitlin. Naturally, she's panicking, and they hold hands through the wire fence. Next thing Peter knows, he's back in the present. Without Caitlin. What a conundrum. And poor girl. I mean, if they're gonna kill her off, the least they could do is let her die in her own time. Sheesh.
Peter's left holding the piece of paper (from this guy called Adam, back in Chapter 6) that led him into the big mess in the first place. All that time-travelling and he (and we!) still don't know who Adam is (but this part is nearing the end, so I think we can pretty much gues that Adam = Mr. Monroe = evil dude). Naturally frustrated, he does a Hiro, meaning, scrunching his face up with his eyes closed and hoping that he can time travel. Then he hears something behind him and shoots a lightning bolt in that direction. A hand catches the bolt, goes black (because it got burned), and then immediately heals up. Then this dude steps out and says, 'It's me, Adam. We're gonna save the world.' Or something along those lines. Anyway, Adam's a familiar face, and guess who he is?! TAKEZO KENSEI!!!! HE DIDN'T DIE!!! WAY COOL!!
Next week = What happened four months ago. The aptly-titled Chapter 8: Four Months Ago. Definitely cannot wait!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 5: Fight Or Flight
The links came up 12.30pm; download speed was S-L-U-G-G-I-S-H!! It was done by 5pm.
Anyway, the usual warning: Spoilers!
No Claire today; her part's getting kinda dull for me now. Frankly, now I'm just waiting for West to be a bad guy.
Not much on Hiro. The part where Ando brought the old scrolls to the lab so he could read them better was funny. The look on the lab technician's face was priceless!
Peter's still getting along. Finally he opened the box. You'd think that there'd be a bunch of, well, more interesting stuff in there, but nope. Passport, photo of him and Nathan, and an open ticket from New York to Montreal. At least Peter started painting a bit. That part was slightly interesting. And this new girl Elle (who was looking for Peter) came in and totally burned Ricky's butt off (i.e. she killed him. Ashed him, actually. Haha.). That part was cool. She's got eclectical powers... *nods head violently* Apparently Elle's working for the Company (and so's her daddy. Either that, or the dude she was talking to was her sugar daddy). I sure hope not. That would be wrong, and gross.
I don't know what the big deal is about Kristen Bell. Sure, she's cute and perky. But I find her okay.
Now, for once, Matt's string was interesting. He and Nathan went over to see Maury (Matt's dad, whom Matt haven't seen for 25 years, and they've gotten the address from Molly before she went under), and Maury seemed like a pretty fat, round guy who's totally freaked out (apparently he got that piece of the picture with the 'Godsend' sign on it. Who knew). Anyway, Matt cuffed him when they first came in, and then Maury said, 'uncuff me, and I'll tell you everything.'
Big mistake!! Maury takes Matt into another room, door slams shut, and the next thing Matt knows, he's in a prison cell. Nathan sees the door, tries to bang it down, finally does, and when he goes through the doorway, he finds himself ontop of the Deveaux building, and NYC's totally ASH!!
Maury gets out, closes the door behind him and leaves the apartment.
Matt's in prison, apparently for abandoning his family (he divorced his wife because he found out that the baby wasn't his). Then his wife comes along, with this TOTALLY FAT BABY!! I mean, look at his arm! It's totally chubby! It's huge! Then wife leaves with baby and Matt has fight with prison guard.
On Nathan's front, Nathan's shocked (naturally!) that NYC's dust (since end of Volume 1, NYC DID not explode). He hears someone calling his name, sees someone prone on the floor, and thinks that it's Peter. It's not. Earlier episodes have shown that guilt(?) makes him see a really, really scarred version of himself in the mirror. Well, now Scarred Nathan's in front of him. They fight.
In reality, Matt (who's fighting the prison guard) is fighting Nathan, while Nathan (fighting that scarred version of himself) is actually fighting Matt!! Now THAT'S what I call GOOD TV!! Luckily for our protagonists, Matt figures out what's going on and manages to think(?) into Nathan's mind to snap out of it. Whole apartment's totally trashed, and Nathan manages to find out who's the next target: Bob. His portion of the photo has the 'Godsend' on it.
I like Bob. I hope someone doesn't kick his bucket.
Mohinder brings Molly to the Company because she's deteriorating etc. He sees Niki there, who beats everyone out before snapping out of it (I think that was Jessica before). Mohinder thinks that she's being held against her will, but she's there for a cure. If I'm not wrong, the cure's for her multiple personality disorder. Funny. I thought Jessica'd be gone now that Niki's asserted herself. Guess not.
No Sylar this week. Seriously, they should show more development on Matt's section in this episode. And as usual, questions go unanswered.
In other news: The next My Chemical Romance single will be Mama, scheduled for release: 2007-11-12. Now, that either means November 12th, or 11th December. Honestly, can't everyone use ONE, UNIVERSAL, DATE FORMAT??!! It's really friggin' confusing when you have NUMBERS for DAYS that can also double for MONTHS!! But really, can't wait! Mama took some getting used to, but it's one of my favourite songs on the album! Yay!
EDIT: I didn't go to the mall last week, so I couldn't check out the magazine with Jensen Ackles in it. And I don't think I'll be going this week, since the exams are on next Tuesday. Darn!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 4: The Kindness Of Strangers
Surprisingly, the links were already up at 11.30am when I got back from class. By 2 o'clock, it was done, but I had class then, so I'd to save it for later.
(Spoilers ahead!)
Today's episode was pretty good. Got to see Sylar in full swing (he's always interesting!), and there's some new info from Parkman's side (which was getting a bit dull). Turns out, his dad's Molly's Boogeyman X. Now she's in shock. I blame Matt for that. He was the one who asked her to look for him (apparently, Matt's dad upped and left when he was 13) and got her all scared till she's trapped in her own head.
Claire's side is pretty boring. She flew around with West a bit, and had a row with her dad. Personally, I think Mr. Bennet should show Claire the painting. Let her freak out a bit.
Sylar's was (and will always be) interesting. Dude just had a run-in with Maya and Alejandro. Which makes it even more interesting, since she started freaking out halfway (cos Sylar told her that Derek, the guy with the car, had gone to call the cops. He didn't; he's already dead) and started crying, and then Sylar started dying, before Alejandro sucked(?) it all up and everything was alright. Can't wait for next week's.
No Hiro or Peter today. Frankly, Peter was getting tedious. Hiro was only interesting cos he's adorable as heck, and Kensei's seriously funny.
Speaking of which, gotta check out a copy of Galaxie this weekend. Jensen Ackles's in it!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Fatness! Fat, fat, fat....
Today, my mom and I went to this German restaurant, where I had the chicken meatloaf, and she had the chicken breast (which looks like a 3-by-3"). Didn't feel really full, so when we came back, I had a slice of pizza leftover from yesterday.
That was at about 2pm.
It's about 11.30pm now, and I've just stopped eating two hours ago. Over the course of the entire afternoon (overlapping a bit into the evening and into the night as well), I've had 8 slices of pizza. Plus a pot of instant noodles, while watching The Mummy on HBO.
Seriously, how'm I gonna lose 16 pounds by the next of February? I suppose I've got to start cutting back now. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably balloon back to 170 pounds by the end of October (okay, fine. November, tops).
Oh, dear... What a fat, tangled web I've woven...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Today's rant is based on: The culminations of one three-hour class.
Today, our lecturer asked us whether we could see 'the symbol of speed and accuracy' in the FedEx logo. Thinking that there was something more to those words, I basically squinted at the picture for 10 minutes, only to find out later on that the arrow I'd spotted in the 'Ex' is the bloody symbol. I'm still pretty confused. Mr. Tan said 'don't confuse FedEx with Roger Federer', and then proceeded to ask Sue Ann whether she knew who RogFed was. She didn't. Okay... He asked Su Ching. She didn't know either, then went on to say that Roger Federer is possibly the founder for FedEx. I can't help it, I laughed my ass off. For the uninitiated, Federer is a pretty famous tennis player. I, who don't watch tennis, even know that.
Later on, our lecturer said that some people thought that Timbuktu was in the North Pole, and then asked everyone whether we knew where that was (Timbuktu, that is). Since Sue Ann was sitting in front, the poor girl got called on again. She didn't know where that was. Su Ching got called on (again, as well), and she said 'Probably not in the North Pole.' Wei Lynn thought it was in Russia. Mr. Tan saw me snickering away, (what, am I not allowed to laugh at people who don't know where Timbuktu is?) and called me. 'Africa,' says I, and I was right. Honestly, I've known where Timbuktu was since I was like, 10, and I got that from watching The Aristocats. (Well, I didn't get that bit of info from The Aristocats. I heard 'Timbuktu', and I asked my mom where that was. THEN I found out).
(In case you're wondering why everything's so random, we're doing a topic called 'Critical Thinking,' which basically consists of IQ tests, and 'thinking out of the box' puzzles)
Mr. Tan then mentioned something about red herrings (honestly, I can't remember what led to that), and then asked us whether we knew what herrings were. I was thinking in the affirmative, but I.. don't think my classmates were. Either that, or they didn't want to be called upon by the lecturer (because he REALLY likes to call on the people sitting in front. I, on the other hand, park my huge hiney in the back, so that I can look upon the backs of those in the front). Anyway, he happened to spot Wei Lynn, and asked her whether she knew what a herring was. She didn't. I told her it was a fish, so she said that out, and all is well.
Mr. Tan also asked us whether we'd read Animal Farm (by George Orwell) or not, and I almost nodded my head off trying to get my lecturer to notice me. I think I nodded my head so hard, that I looked like a Bobblehead doll that's had too much sugar. I nodded so much that Wei Lynn started to look in my direction. Anyway, I think he saw me nodding my ass off, since he said 'for those of you who have read...'. YESH!!
Honestly, all those girls that I mentioned just now, were English-educated (meaning, they didn't speak Mandarin 99% of the time back in elementary and high school). Imagine that. I mean, don't they watch TV??!! I mean, come ON!!! Federer, maybe, Timbuktu, okay, but HERRING???!! IT'S A BLOODY FISH, FOR PETE'S SAKE!!! HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT HEARD OF RED HERRINGS??!! Honestly!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
This morning, LUCKILY(!) I checked my university email account for any new messages. Turns out, the mathematical metaphorical wheels were already in motion. Earlier this week, I'd email my university's customer service, asking them whether I could take a Music paper and a Math paper, for when I cross over. The Music paper needs another paper for its prerequisite (one which my mom said would be REALLY elementary for me, that's why she suggested I take the slightly harder one) while the Math paper said it needed VCE Mathematical Methods 3 and 4 as prerequisites. I read the Math paper description, and they pretty much matched what I did for my A-Levels (but this being a university-level paper, it'd be harder. But at least I have the background).
Anyways, back to today's new message. Alison (the lady I'd contacted) emailed Monique, who then emailed Gleb, who's the big dude in charge of the Math stuffs. Alison forwarded me the entire correspondence, with Gleb saying that if I could just provide a description about my A-Levels Math syllabus, he could then look at it and tell me whether I can take the paper or not.
Which brings me to 'Oh, shit.' I think it was about 9.30am then. I checked the CIE website, but they don't have the previous years' syllabus archived, just the current year's, and the subsequent years to come. Googled, but nothing came. Why bother actually? I can't even Google to save my life. I don't think there's anything wrong with Google, I just suck at Googling.
So anywho, I then decided to SCAN my 2005 syllabus description in. Yup, SCAN! Took me a bit, cos I haven't scanned anything in ages. Finally scanned in, only to find out that I can't remember that website where you can link image files into one .pdf file. Oh, shit, again.
About 4 hours later (yes, I'm THAT inept!), I finally scanned all 5 pages in, attached the 5 files to my message to Gleb (took forever to upload, till I thought the connection might be out already, cos sometimes, shit happens), and sent it to him, all the while wondering whether I'd mess the thing up or not, cos I would be going out with Pamela later on.
Went out with Pamela, stuffed myself, got fat. Came back, checked mail, saw Gleb's CC stating that the 2005 A-Levels syllabus is similar to that of the VCE's. YES!! YESYESYESYESYES!!!!! I'm allowed to take Mathematical Modelling as an elective! Oh yeah, uh huh... BOO-YA!!! But the reply for the Music paper hasn't come yet, so when that one comes, to be safe, I'll confirm with Alison whether I can take MathMod or not (see? I even have a nickname for it already. Haha!)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 3: Kindred (Guess who's BA-ACK???!!!)
SYLAR, THAT'S WHO! BOOM-CHIKIYAKA!! Although they didn't show much of him, but they DID show what happened to him. Pity they replaced the girl playing Candice. The fact that she can make illusions shouldn't be the reason why they're using a new actress. Oh well. To be honest though, Candice got hers... I mean, she should've known that Sylar was a loose cannon, with or without powers.
The scenes with Hiro and Takezo were funny, as always. Hiro was adorable as usual, and Takezo was, well, Takezo. Money-grubbing. But he did start becoming a hero, when he went to fight the 90 Angry Ronin. "How angry ARE they?" Moments like these, priceless.
Peter's and Claire's arc was a bit dull. So was Maya and Alejandro's. At the end, I was like, "Finally, we get to see what's inside the bloody box." And the guy decides not to open it. Yet. At Claire's, I cracked up when West was asking about lizard and human procreation. M & A might be dull now, but seeing the previews, next week's going to rockin'!!! Beyond that, not much. Spoilers really do ruin me...
Exams in a little over three weeks, and I'm still excited about Heroes and watching Little Britain and Goodness Gracious Me. Dear me, oh my...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 2: Lizards
Basically this episode was okay for me. Even though I did read the spoilers first, I'm not entirely sure that it would've been, well, very impacting.
But one thing I liked about the episode was the humour. Scenes with Hiro and Kensei were hilarious! And they made the episode a little less boring. Another character I was interested in was Bob. Spoilers indicate that he's Molly's worse-than-boogeyman dude and Matt's father. Now THAT's messed up!
Can't wait for next week's episode though. Sylar's coming back!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Heroes Caption Contest IX - HeroesFanatic.com
The only time I win SOMETHING(!!) and I get no credit for it. In fact, no one's even gonna believe me! I've been joining the 0caption contests a few weeks now, and the reason I put '=p' as my username was 'cuz the HaLo topic's pretty controversial. Well, controversial enough to warrant a few mentions on E! Here's the picture with the caption below: I've tried to dump the picture with the comments in, but there's loads of cut-and-pasting to do, so I'll do it some other time. Linky: Heroes Caption Contest IX
(Finally figured out the link thingy!)
*sigh* Four more weeks to exams, and I'm barely even prepared. On the upside, if everything's okay tomorrow, I get to watch Heroes: Generations Episode 2!! That is, if everything turns out in my favour.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 1: Four Months Later
(Spoiler alert!)
I saw the episode online yesterday. Thank God they'd already uploaded it. It was pretty fast too, since the episode only debuted in the morning (for us, that is).
I wanted to download it, actually. But the file was like, 700Mb, instead of the usual 350-360Mb. That would take DAYS to download. So I watched it online.
Four Months Later, was as good as the hype. Hiro was adorable as usual. When standing between the bandits and Kensei and looking up at the eclipse, he said, "Not again." That was so priceless I laughed my ass off. Also the part when Hiro finds out that Kensei's actually English. Kensei had just finished peeing and went over to pat/hug Hiro or something. Hiro said "Yuck." That was so CUTE...
Anyway, looks like the National Enquirer(sp?) was right. A lot of people were doubting the credibility of those spoilers, since it's, you know, the Enquirer. They usually do news about Sasquatch or Elvis sightings. Since the spoilers (well, the first one at any rate) are accurate, then I can't WAIT to find out why Candace rescued Sylar!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Nothing happened. Period.
Today was pretty boring for meh. Went to college to discuss the written report thingy with my teammates. I don't think we'll make the Friday deadline.
Just saw Prison Break Season 3 Episode 1 online. Really neat! Even though I totally missed out on Season 2's finale that time just 'cuz my mom wanted to watch CSI: New York. Tsk.
Shain calichniye asa, Robert Jordan. Moridin isainde vadin.
(I hope the sentence is not too off. I just hope that RJ fans don't crucify me for mutilating the Old Tongue)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
James Oliver Rigney: 1948-2007
I just found out today that the author of one of my favourite series passed away last week. For those less informed of the fantasy genre, James Oliver Rigney went by a few pen-names, one of which is Robert Jordan, creator of the fantasy masterpiece, The Wheel Of Time.
He passed on on the 16th. There wasn't any announcement in the papers, not even a tiny blurb in the corner. I admit, I haven't been frequenting the messageboards in a while, spending most of my time looking Heroes up. But this really came as a shock to me, since I had read some months ago that his disease had gone into remission, and that he was undergoing an experimental treatment for it.
Even though I had only found out about the Wheel and its vast Pattern in 2005, I did a lot of reading within the following two years to make sure that I caught up with the rest of the world. At that time, The Knife Of Dreams (the penultimate 11th in this series that spanned 17 years to date, and still counting) wasn't even released yet. A Memory Of Light, the final book, didn't even have a title yet! Reading A Memory Of Light next year was something I was very much looking forward to doing, just like reading Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows this year. I'm sorry to say that I was not acquainted longer with Rand, Perrin, Mat, Egwene and the rest of your colourful characters, but all that time reading Books 1-11, I feel like I've known them since Adam.
The papers stated that he passed out significant plot points of the final book to his family before he passed on. I'm sure that Harriet Rigney will do this final book justice, but it's just not the same without the one and only Robert Jordan.
Farewell, and rest in peace, Mr. Rigney. Your legacy will live on in all of our hearts forever.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Fatigue. It ain't good.
Well, as the title says, it ain't good. The eye-bags are coming back, and I'm feeling even more lethargic than usual. The fact that I'm feeling sleepy is also not helping. Ordinarily, that combination would make for hours and hours in front of the telly, but unfortunately for moi, I've two assignments (from the same paper!) due the following Monday. Feeling lethargic means that I have progressed about an inch (which ain't much, by the way) for my part in our report, and the journal isn't on its way to being finished either. Not to mention that tomorrow is the last day before our semester break, and I'd have to get all my questions together to ask that lecturer of mine (actually I could come back next week during the hols, but I'm not sure whether he'd answer my questions even IF he were there. Yup, he's a douche. He did give me a pretty good grade for my first assignment though. Okay fine, partial-douche).
Anyway, we haven't started on the report yet, because Hooi Leng has camping(?) or whatnot (I'm not too sure), so we'll be meeting on Monday. Imma have to try and persuade everyone to pass everything to me by Friday, so that I can collect it, and collate it, and hand it up on Saturday. That would really make my life easier, and I can go to my mom's office on the Monday after that to do my other assignment.
I don't care. I'm gonna pass my journal up on Saturday. That is, if I can finish it on time. Yikes! I hope I can.
4 days to Chapter 1, Volume 2 of Heroes!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
What's with us and live coverages of awards shows that really matter?
Everything! The Emmys just happened this morning (night for them, morning for us), and we did not get live coverage. Nada. You'd figured that E! would give us the awards ceremony as well, since they did that whole red carpet thing live, so might as well go on with the rest of the programme, right? Wrong! I had to stick by Yahoo! to find out who had won (and updates weren't too often), and basically, that was it in the morning for me, since no one had stuck footage up on Youtube yet.
Anyway, Heroes basically went home with nothing. Masi Oka is adorable, but I figured, between Lost contenders, I prefer Michael Emerson. Nothing against Terry O'Quinn, but seriously, Ben creeps the heck out of me. And Emerson's one of the reasons why I loved Saw.
James Spader won, yay! I've been a fan of his since his Daniel Jackson days.
Youtube didn't have much on the Emmys, only some snippets here and there, mostly if the Heroes cast happened to be in that particular footage (lucky me, loads of Heroes fans!). But I did see the one with Rainn Wilson and Kanye West! HA HA HA!! Funniest thing ever! "You" instead of "ya". That one's classic.
I think I'll wait for tomorrow to check Youtube for more Emmy clips. Piggy... out!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
(Short title, thinks you).
Anyway, there's this lizard just laying there in our kitchen for a few days now. At first my mom thought he was dead, but then he wiggled his, um, fingers(?) a bit, so, no, he's not dead. Then.
Today we sprayed him, to try and see whether he'd move away or not, because he was near the stove area, and we needed to cook (not that we can't cook when he's there, it's just that we're afraid that he might jump on our feet or whatnot while we're cooking. And that would be messy). He didn't move, not even when he got a face full of the spray (I saw his head get wet). So we thought he was dead. Then my mom went to church, while I turned on the telly (because lizards, besides cockroaches, really creep me out. I literally shudder, at the thought of them). And besides, it's not good to take in (and by this, I mean, inhale) the insecticide too much. Like this episode of the X-Files, they sprayed this guy that was crawling with insects and he died. They thought the insects was what killed him, but no. It was the insecticide. He breathed in too much of it.
So my mom came back, and the lizard decides to shift its original position, leading us to think (again!) that he wasn't dead. We left it for awhile, it didn't move, then my mom decided to throw it out. As my mom was scooping it up with an extra-long, um, that-thing-you-get-after-you've-finished-using-toilet-paper, the tail fell off. Gross.
I laughed. I know this is really mean, but it looked pretty comical.
Anyway, my mom finished disposing of the lizard (and his tail, and yes, this time the dude's really dead), and we threw the rubbish bag out, AND, for good measure, drenched the whole bag with insecticide.
Tomorrow: About why we did not get live coverage of the Emmys.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Well, the presentation's finally done. My lecturer said that I went really fast through the whole thing (which wasn't good. Ugh), and another thing that all of us and the other groups had in common was our proficiency in the English language, and by that, he meant our lack of it. I'm insulted! My grammar's WAY better than everyone else's (everyone else around here, that is)! (There goes the complex again). Anywho, at least the lecturer said I wasn't blocking the slides like my teammate was. Whew! It's finally over!
Now all I've to worry about is the written report we have to work on. As usual, we're taking the last minute route, with us only starting to discussions most probably next Saturday (cos my teammates have assignments). Oh well. Hopefully by then my part would've been finished (and by hopefully, I probably mean, maybe not).
1000 words (and some other shit I'd have to do, cos I'm team editor and I'm fussy that way) to go...
Everyone's thinking of taking Communication Skills since our lecturer promoted it quite nicely. If I take it (which I don't think I will), I think I might actually enjoy it. 5 academic essays, grammar tests, some crap to do with referencing... I'd probably ace it! (But then again, maybe not).
Speaking of which, How It Should Have Ended's version of Spider-man 3 was classic! Especially the part with Harry and the butler! Ha ha ha!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Stupid @#$%! presentation!!
You'd be thinking that I totally messed up the presentation today, but NOOOO....! I didn't even GET the bloody chance to mess up the bloody damn thing, since our bloody lecturer (20 minutes before the class ended) told us that there wasn't enough time for us to present, and that we had to present on Friday!
Last week we asked him when we were supposed to present, and he said Wednesday which was today. I mean, that was A DIRECT QUESTION!!! The least he could've said was 'Wednesday, but if there's not enough time, then Friday.' At LEAST(!!) give us a straight answer! And that dude doesn't tell us the full picture, and waits till we mess up. Then he starts lecturing and picking on us. Like today, the other groups didn't know that we had to include in the assignment attachment sheet along with the hard copies of our slides. Sure, it was their fault that they never bothered to ask (I did ask, by the way, and that's why I don't really dig group work. You do the legwork, and your teammates tell the other groups about it. These people really don't know how to be sneaky. Let the others do the bloody legwork. Serve their asses right when they mess up cos they didn't).
Sometimes I think our lecturer does it on purpose. Ya know, to make us feel pissed and whatnot. He always looks smug whenever he makes these kinds of pronouncements. And I BLOODY SKIPPED LUNCH for this shit.
(I'm not starving myself or anything. It's just that the FORMAL black pants that I'm supposed to wear belongs to my mom, who's thin. If I eat, my pants will be more tight than usual, and multitudes of flabby blobs will pop out, especially in the torso area, and I won't look so okay during my presentation)
On another note, Happy Birthday Hooi Leng!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
EEEK! Presentation!!
Well, tomorrow's the day! The day I go to my death, metaphorically speaking, that is. Plus, I have a class at 9 in the morning, and then I'll be meeting up with the girls later on to rehearse and stuff. I sure hope I don't mess this one up. Throw in the fact that there might be the lecturer from Australia might be sitting in with us tomorrow... and you'd have that inimitable recipe for disaster! Hooi Leng told me that she could go out of tune since she's really nervous and all. Hope she does okay. After all, it's her birthday tomorrow... Happy Birthday Hooi Leng!
My ears turn beet red, and they feel really hot.
I hope I don't forget my lines during the presentation... or forget to un-pause the tape (because our lecturer's gonna be taping what we're gonna say), or forget to say the 'good afternoon' and the 'pass-you-over' bit. I am so screwed....
And we have to wear heels for the presentation! 'Formal wear'! And my black pants is so not long enough till you can totally see my ankles when I sit down, which so makes me look even more weird with my heels! We'll be wearing black and white for tomorrow, the four of us, because we have to look like a 'team'. Personally I think we look okay, but my mom says we'll look like waitresses.
Waitressing aside, this whole shebang blows. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Today, I was chatting with Aaron and instead of 'Okay, bye bye' coming out like it's supposed to (after all, that's what I typed in the first place!), what came out was 'Okay, BYE BYE BEAUTIFUL' (the last three words multiplied by two), 'bye' being the bloody shortcut for this custom emote I just added (BYE BYE BEAUTIFUL), but since I hadn't used MSN Messenger in a while, so I mistakenly thought I'd already changed the shortcut.
I was totally mortified! I mean, DAMN!!!! I quickly said sorry and told him that I forgot to change the shortcuts. He just laughed it off. Thank GOODNESS he's overseas right now! Honestly, I'd never face it down if I've to see him in class the next week....
Four more days to the dreaded oral presentation. And we're about to have a total overhaul of what we're gonna put into our presentation. Everything's totally messed up. That's why I can't stand group work. It's so much easier to do everything yourself (that's also applicable to group assignments, but why let everyone else get equal credit, right?). And there goes the superiority complex again.
Pamela typed out that she had bread just now, but it came out as 'brad'. So I asked her who Brad was. Haha.
Imma go sleep now. Currently fatiguing, with the heavy-headedness coming on strong...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Daily Rantings
Almost fell asleep during accounts class just now... It's probably from the lack of sleep I've been having (haha, look at the paradox. Or maybe that whole sentence is wrong or something).
Anyways, two of my teammates didn't show up for class today, so it was just the two of us. And our lecturer asked us to discuss the presentation points among ourselves, and since there were only two... Well, let's just say there wasn't much to talk about between the two of us.
Watched Little Britain Live (again!) with my mom this time. She said it was really distasteful and disgusting, BUT she said I could get tickets if they go live in Melbourne! Yay! But I guess that might be pretty unlikely, since they just did a show in Australia this year. Sometime recently too, if I'm not wrong.
Anyway, if there IS a show next year (yeah I know, I'm getting ahead of myself here, but just bear with me a bit), and I DO get the chance to go, I seriously hope that something like what happened in their 2007 Comic Relief show, DOES happen at mine!
Anyways, not much bitching to do today, so I'll sign off for now. Trala.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Little Britain, and oral presentations.
Just finished watching Comic Relief Does Little Britain Live, and it was HILARIOUS!! It was one of the best I've ever seen (and the dirtiest ever too!). I read on Wikipedia that they just did a live show in Australia. If they ever go to Melbourne next year, I am so going!! Even if I have to take two trams down or whatnot.
Our oral presentation is due on next Wednesday, contrary to the popular belief that it will be on Friday for us (since we're the third group, and therefore, the last to present for the next week). I'm so screwed for mine. I don't even know whether we went out of topic or not. I sure hope we're not placing emphasis on the wrong thing. And we have this written report coming up, based on the same topic we're gonna present. And this whole thing's worth 30 marks. I repeat, I'm so screwed....
The Office is back!! And I'm gonna go watch it now! Wheeeeee~!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
This section of the post has been removed on account of emo-ness (or, of its state of rather-emo-ness). I feel much better now, thank you very much.
(And until now, I still can't fix a specific definition for the term 'emo')
Monday, September 3, 2007
Where are my Milk Hazelnut Chocolate Squares?!
Played Chocolatier the whole day today, and still couldn't get the squares. Looked all over the Net for tips and walkthroughs and such, turns out the squares are given to you random. And without them, I can't reach Master Chocolatier. Oh well. At least flying back and forth lets me pump my high score up.
I just did some research for my oral presentation/written report regarding teaching seniors about computers. Surprisingly, there was quite a bit of material to look at. The only thing I need now is to squeeze whatever it is I have into my paper. The thing's 30% out of my entire paper, and it's just my luck that our lecturer's strict, and basically that scares the hell out of me. Seriously. The fact that I need to get really, REALLY good grades this semester doesn't help either. I'm so nervous I've to wear a pull-over to his class. It's that, or my immune system's totally going down the drain. I think I still have a bit of the flu left over.
Anyways, I think we have the Prison Break and CSI:NY finalés at around the same time. Prison Break's getting kinda tedious for me. Especially since I thought (wrongly!) that last week's episode was the last of Season 2. I mean, T-Bag got caught, so did Bellick, and Sucré's in the hospital (I think!). Most of the storyline's wrapped up. Tonight's episode (at best) should be about 20 minutes (without commercials, that is). Unless they bring in Sara's trial. Most of the conspiracy theory's already been revealed to us. Half an hour, tops?
Exam schedule's out on the 17th. EEEP! Hope there're no clashes.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
First post!
Got the piano repaired, finally. The keys got stickied up (or whatnot, making them really hard to press) in April/May, and we just called the guy yesterday. Anyway, the plastic holding the row of keys together cracked, so we had to replace the entire, um, keyboard(?), lacking the use of a better word, and now it's all better! I can finally play, whenever I want, especially when my mom's not home. Then I can plonk whatever I wanna plonk!
Rained really heavily this afternoon. Drove through a big puddle. Drove through a few other big puddles, and made those really big waves along the road, which is fun, but not good for the car. I'd drive faster, but if anything bad happens, my mom'll probably keel forward from the heart attack/stroke she'll definitely get, so... yeah, kept at rather constant 25-35km/hr (except for junctions, where I stopped. Well, slowed a bit more).
Watched the 5-hour Heroes marathon (Chapters 16-20. I cannot wait for September 24th to come!), well, except for the last episode of the day, where I switched over to E! News. There's absolutely nothing on for tonight, that's why I FINALLY decided to start a blog.
So here it is. My first-ever post. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play Chocolatier.