Monday, October 1, 2007

Heroes Caption Contest IX -

The only time I win SOMETHING(!!) and I get no credit for it. In fact, no one's even gonna believe me! I've been joining the 0caption contests a few weeks now, and the reason I put '=p' as my username was 'cuz the HaLo topic's pretty controversial. Well, controversial enough to warrant a few mentions on E! Here's the picture with the caption below:
I've tried to dump the picture with the comments in, but there's loads of cut-and-pasting to do, so I'll do it some other time. Linky: Heroes Caption Contest IX
(Finally figured out the link thingy!)

*sigh* Four more weeks to exams, and I'm barely even prepared. On the upside, if everything's okay tomorrow, I get to watch Heroes: Generations Episode 2!! That is, if everything turns out in my favour.

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