Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year's Resolutions.

2008 in a few days, I figure I'd put my resolutions down. Here they are:
1) Lose weight
2) Be more efficient
3) Be less lazy
4) Study (I need a 80% grade average. Ugh. Also related to Number 3.)
5) Piss less people off
6) Be much less bitchy (Also linked to Number 5)
7) Join more clubs and, um, be active and whatnot (something that I would never, ever encourage someone to do. But I need a scholarship. Unfortunately for me, they don't only look at academics. Just as well, though. My grades are so sucking right now.)
8) Lose weight.

So. I'll try to, erm, keep to those stuffs above, especially Numbers 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8.

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