Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am currently...

...having an apple, and hoping my lower gums don't slide into the base of my mouth because that apple is HARD! (Or super-crunchy, if you prefer.).

I am also typing this with one hand.

I just found out that The Rocky Horror Show will be touring here from mid-September. If I'd known that they'd be coming, I wouldn't have spent RM300+ on Wicked, as much as the plot had intrigued me.

Now, I've to find people to go with, because my Mom doesn't want me to go by myself, and I also have to bring Mom round to my side, because I made the mistake of telling her that the movie was a cult classic, and she doesn't dig the word 'cult'. Also, I've to save money 'cuz a ticket'll probably be $100+ as well.

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