Friday, April 25, 2008

To-do list for the weekend.

As I'll pretty much be UN-preoccupied this weekend, I'll be sticking all the crap I need to get done here, since if I write it down on paper I'll lose the bloody thing.

1) Start the difficult crapnubbin that is my Auditing assignment.
2) Clean room. Before the infestation begins.
3) Do laundry.
4) Combine Treasury Management assignment and send it to Queena for submitting.
5) Finish off arranging the Money And Capital Markets assignment. (Just need to confirm things with Zoe.)
6) Tidy room. Again with the infestation issue. (Now, to keep it that way.)
7) Play Fairway Solitaire. (This is more of a ongoing process rather than a one-off thing.)
8) Do Free Cash Flows for Financial Modelling and double-check on some of... the other... um... stuffs... (Done, but accuracy to be ascertained later.)
9) Uhhh... start studying...? (Ha! Fat chance!)
10) Cut down food intake. And snack intake. And the pretty-much-anything-edible intake. (Tummy aches can work wonders.)
11) Work through Bag Of Bones and The Great And Secret Show. (Another on-going matter. Surprisingly, Barker's more interesting than King.)
12) Do stock market research so that I can get back on the first page of the Uni Ranking. (Dangnabbit!) (Oh, screw the whole thing!)

Let's see how much of those up there get done when the week's over.

EDIT: I should do this kind of thing every week. See how much of the list I actually COVER.

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