Saturday, July 26, 2008

A rant for the weekend.

In a nutshell, my first week pretty much sucked arse. Which probably isn't doing any good with my blood pressure. If I had any.

Went to class wearing my mom's winter jacket. It being very thick and pink made me look like an oversized candy treat (that is PINK!), and did nothing to enhance my credibility and/or outward fashion sense, whatsoever. (But it probably told people that I have an affinity for pink, which I don't. Not by choice, anyway.).
Also, I had to trudge all the way up to the end of the campus, because the stupid Faculty of Business and Law building HAD to be isolated from the rest of the campus for some bloody inane reason (since the beginning of the year, actually), and the fact that I couldn't get the zip up for my bloody Marshmallow, and keep my hood on my head because of the bloody strong winds, meant that I got rather wet during the rain.
Afterwards, Sophia and I had to run across the huge, um, walkway, because I had gotten my classrooms mixed up, and thought that LT6 was where we were supposed to be. It was actually LT1.
Movie Night wasn't bad, though. I got to see how camp Jack Nicholson was as The Joker. Teehee.

I had free blue candy floss while trudging up to the silly Business/Law building again, which meant that I had plenty of time to dirty the entire lower-half of my face, and color my teeth blue. I spent like, 15 minutes in the bathroom, trying to get the blue out (which is very difficult using just fingers and water), because I had to talk to people about the bloody work permit. Why don't those buggers ever accept cash? What d'you think we were capable of, counterfeiting the bloody damn things?

I was late for my Music class (which I did not mean to, but maybe the people started early. Just maybe.), and then I'd found out that I'm not exactly allowed to take keyboard, but instead, the GUITAR! Now, given the right prod and push, I wouldn't mind trying something new, but, as with every paper, I would be GRADED ON IT!! And since my results from the previous semester has basically high-kicked and launched my hopes for a bloody fucking 80 grade average out of the fucking window, well, at the moment I'm trying to strive for the highest grade possible, i.e. a high 70+ average.
I know JACK about the guitar, I've never held, or even so much as breathed on one before, and Performance Tests are 30%. Yes. 30. Bloody. Effing. Percent. I borrowed the elementary guitar textbook from the library, and although they do kinda spell things out, I'm not sure I can get my fingers to actually do the fricken' chords. I mean, memorizing is one thing, but getting your fingers to actually work with the strumming thingamajiggies and whatnot... For me, it's not a matter of practice, it's just the issue of wrapping my thick head around the mechanics of playing the damn thing, which is not easy. Right now, I'm stuck with either the guitar, or continuing with the keyboard. Both ways, I'm pretty much screwed. The lecturer knows I've done Grade 8, so I'm not entirely sure that she wouldn't set high standards when she's marking me for the Performance Tests.

Stupid electives. What a bloody tangled web I've woven, indeed.

[And that's just the ones with classes. Don't get me started on the rest.]

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