Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Feeling slightly bittersweet.

Yesterday, I managed to catch the last, final episode ever of Beelzebub. Entirely by accident.

You see, I'm usually able to watch the show at 10.30pm every day, but for the past few nights I've been missing the episodes, due to work and stuff.

So last night, after watching Fringe, I switched to Animax to watch what little Beelzebubis left. Usually the show finishes around the same time as Fringe(though they have different start-times), so by the time I change the channel, Beelzebub would be in its end-credits.

But not last night.

I'm super glad that my timing was impeccable, for once.

I wish the show ran for more seasons. If my mom wasn't watching the TV as well, I would've totally teared up at the final scenes.

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