The links came up 12.30pm; download speed was S-L-U-G-G-I-S-H!! It was done by 5pm.
Anyway, the usual warning: Spoilers!
No Claire today; her part's getting kinda dull for me now. Frankly, now I'm just waiting for West to be a bad guy.
Not much on Hiro. The part where Ando brought the old scrolls to the lab so he could read them better was funny. The look on the lab technician's face was priceless!
Peter's still getting along. Finally he opened the box. You'd think that there'd be a bunch of, well, more interesting stuff in there, but nope. Passport, photo of him and Nathan, and an open ticket from New York to Montreal. At least Peter started painting a bit. That part was slightly interesting. And this new girl Elle (who was looking for Peter) came in and totally burned Ricky's butt off (i.e. she killed him. Ashed him, actually. Haha.). That part was cool. She's got eclectical powers... *nods head violently* Apparently Elle's working for the Company (and so's her daddy. Either that, or the dude she was talking to was her sugar daddy). I sure hope not. That would be wrong, and gross.
I don't know what the big deal is about Kristen Bell. Sure, she's cute and perky. But I find her okay.
Now, for once, Matt's string was interesting. He and Nathan went over to see Maury (Matt's dad, whom Matt haven't seen for 25 years, and they've gotten the address from Molly before she went under), and Maury seemed like a pretty fat, round guy who's totally freaked out (apparently he got that piece of the picture with the 'Godsend' sign on it. Who knew). Anyway, Matt cuffed him when they first came in, and then Maury said, 'uncuff me, and I'll tell you everything.'
Big mistake!! Maury takes Matt into another room, door slams shut, and the next thing Matt knows, he's in a prison cell. Nathan sees the door, tries to bang it down, finally does, and when he goes through the doorway, he finds himself ontop of the Deveaux building, and NYC's totally ASH!!
Maury gets out, closes the door behind him and leaves the apartment.
Matt's in prison, apparently for abandoning his family (he divorced his wife because he found out that the baby wasn't his). Then his wife comes along, with this TOTALLY FAT BABY!! I mean, look at his arm! It's totally chubby! It's huge! Then wife leaves with baby and Matt has fight with prison guard.
On Nathan's front, Nathan's shocked (naturally!) that NYC's dust (since end of Volume 1, NYC DID not explode). He hears someone calling his name, sees someone prone on the floor, and thinks that it's Peter. It's not. Earlier episodes have shown that guilt(?) makes him see a really, really scarred version of himself in the mirror. Well, now Scarred Nathan's in front of him. They fight.
In reality, Matt (who's fighting the prison guard) is fighting Nathan, while Nathan (fighting that scarred version of himself) is actually fighting Matt!! Now THAT'S what I call GOOD TV!! Luckily for our protagonists, Matt figures out what's going on and manages to think(?) into Nathan's mind to snap out of it. Whole apartment's totally trashed, and Nathan manages to find out who's the next target: Bob. His portion of the photo has the 'Godsend' on it.
I like Bob. I hope someone doesn't kick his bucket.
Mohinder brings Molly to the Company because she's deteriorating etc. He sees Niki there, who beats everyone out before snapping out of it (I think that was Jessica before). Mohinder thinks that she's being held against her will, but she's there for a cure. If I'm not wrong, the cure's for her multiple personality disorder. Funny. I thought Jessica'd be gone now that Niki's asserted herself. Guess not.
No Sylar this week. Seriously, they should show more development on Matt's section in this episode. And as usual, questions go unanswered.
In other news: The next My Chemical Romance single will be Mama, scheduled for release: 2007-11-12. Now, that either means November 12th, or 11th December. Honestly, can't everyone use ONE, UNIVERSAL, DATE FORMAT??!! It's really friggin' confusing when you have NUMBERS for DAYS that can also double for MONTHS!! But really, can't wait! Mama took some getting used to, but it's one of my favourite songs on the album! Yay!
EDIT: I didn't go to the mall last week, so I couldn't check out the magazine with Jensen Ackles in it. And I don't think I'll be going this week, since the exams are on next Tuesday. Darn!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 5: Fight Or Flight
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 4: The Kindness Of Strangers
Surprisingly, the links were already up at 11.30am when I got back from class. By 2 o'clock, it was done, but I had class then, so I'd to save it for later.
(Spoilers ahead!)
Today's episode was pretty good. Got to see Sylar in full swing (he's always interesting!), and there's some new info from Parkman's side (which was getting a bit dull). Turns out, his dad's Molly's Boogeyman X. Now she's in shock. I blame Matt for that. He was the one who asked her to look for him (apparently, Matt's dad upped and left when he was 13) and got her all scared till she's trapped in her own head.
Claire's side is pretty boring. She flew around with West a bit, and had a row with her dad. Personally, I think Mr. Bennet should show Claire the painting. Let her freak out a bit.
Sylar's was (and will always be) interesting. Dude just had a run-in with Maya and Alejandro. Which makes it even more interesting, since she started freaking out halfway (cos Sylar told her that Derek, the guy with the car, had gone to call the cops. He didn't; he's already dead) and started crying, and then Sylar started dying, before Alejandro sucked(?) it all up and everything was alright. Can't wait for next week's.
No Hiro or Peter today. Frankly, Peter was getting tedious. Hiro was only interesting cos he's adorable as heck, and Kensei's seriously funny.
Speaking of which, gotta check out a copy of Galaxie this weekend. Jensen Ackles's in it!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Fatness! Fat, fat, fat....
Today, my mom and I went to this German restaurant, where I had the chicken meatloaf, and she had the chicken breast (which looks like a 3-by-3"). Didn't feel really full, so when we came back, I had a slice of pizza leftover from yesterday.
That was at about 2pm.
It's about 11.30pm now, and I've just stopped eating two hours ago. Over the course of the entire afternoon (overlapping a bit into the evening and into the night as well), I've had 8 slices of pizza. Plus a pot of instant noodles, while watching The Mummy on HBO.
Seriously, how'm I gonna lose 16 pounds by the next of February? I suppose I've got to start cutting back now. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably balloon back to 170 pounds by the end of October (okay, fine. November, tops).
Oh, dear... What a fat, tangled web I've woven...
Friday, October 12, 2007
Today's rant is based on: The culminations of one three-hour class.
Today, our lecturer asked us whether we could see 'the symbol of speed and accuracy' in the FedEx logo. Thinking that there was something more to those words, I basically squinted at the picture for 10 minutes, only to find out later on that the arrow I'd spotted in the 'Ex' is the bloody symbol. I'm still pretty confused. Mr. Tan said 'don't confuse FedEx with Roger Federer', and then proceeded to ask Sue Ann whether she knew who RogFed was. She didn't. Okay... He asked Su Ching. She didn't know either, then went on to say that Roger Federer is possibly the founder for FedEx. I can't help it, I laughed my ass off. For the uninitiated, Federer is a pretty famous tennis player. I, who don't watch tennis, even know that.
Later on, our lecturer said that some people thought that Timbuktu was in the North Pole, and then asked everyone whether we knew where that was (Timbuktu, that is). Since Sue Ann was sitting in front, the poor girl got called on again. She didn't know where that was. Su Ching got called on (again, as well), and she said 'Probably not in the North Pole.' Wei Lynn thought it was in Russia. Mr. Tan saw me snickering away, (what, am I not allowed to laugh at people who don't know where Timbuktu is?) and called me. 'Africa,' says I, and I was right. Honestly, I've known where Timbuktu was since I was like, 10, and I got that from watching The Aristocats. (Well, I didn't get that bit of info from The Aristocats. I heard 'Timbuktu', and I asked my mom where that was. THEN I found out).
(In case you're wondering why everything's so random, we're doing a topic called 'Critical Thinking,' which basically consists of IQ tests, and 'thinking out of the box' puzzles)
Mr. Tan then mentioned something about red herrings (honestly, I can't remember what led to that), and then asked us whether we knew what herrings were. I was thinking in the affirmative, but I.. don't think my classmates were. Either that, or they didn't want to be called upon by the lecturer (because he REALLY likes to call on the people sitting in front. I, on the other hand, park my huge hiney in the back, so that I can look upon the backs of those in the front). Anyway, he happened to spot Wei Lynn, and asked her whether she knew what a herring was. She didn't. I told her it was a fish, so she said that out, and all is well.
Mr. Tan also asked us whether we'd read Animal Farm (by George Orwell) or not, and I almost nodded my head off trying to get my lecturer to notice me. I think I nodded my head so hard, that I looked like a Bobblehead doll that's had too much sugar. I nodded so much that Wei Lynn started to look in my direction. Anyway, I think he saw me nodding my ass off, since he said 'for those of you who have read...'. YESH!!
Honestly, all those girls that I mentioned just now, were English-educated (meaning, they didn't speak Mandarin 99% of the time back in elementary and high school). Imagine that. I mean, don't they watch TV??!! I mean, come ON!!! Federer, maybe, Timbuktu, okay, but HERRING???!! IT'S A BLOODY FISH, FOR PETE'S SAKE!!! HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT HEARD OF RED HERRINGS??!! Honestly!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
This morning, LUCKILY(!) I checked my university email account for any new messages. Turns out, the mathematical metaphorical wheels were already in motion. Earlier this week, I'd email my university's customer service, asking them whether I could take a Music paper and a Math paper, for when I cross over. The Music paper needs another paper for its prerequisite (one which my mom said would be REALLY elementary for me, that's why she suggested I take the slightly harder one) while the Math paper said it needed VCE Mathematical Methods 3 and 4 as prerequisites. I read the Math paper description, and they pretty much matched what I did for my A-Levels (but this being a university-level paper, it'd be harder. But at least I have the background).
Anyways, back to today's new message. Alison (the lady I'd contacted) emailed Monique, who then emailed Gleb, who's the big dude in charge of the Math stuffs. Alison forwarded me the entire correspondence, with Gleb saying that if I could just provide a description about my A-Levels Math syllabus, he could then look at it and tell me whether I can take the paper or not.
Which brings me to 'Oh, shit.' I think it was about 9.30am then. I checked the CIE website, but they don't have the previous years' syllabus archived, just the current year's, and the subsequent years to come. Googled, but nothing came. Why bother actually? I can't even Google to save my life. I don't think there's anything wrong with Google, I just suck at Googling.
So anywho, I then decided to SCAN my 2005 syllabus description in. Yup, SCAN! Took me a bit, cos I haven't scanned anything in ages. Finally scanned in, only to find out that I can't remember that website where you can link image files into one .pdf file. Oh, shit, again.
About 4 hours later (yes, I'm THAT inept!), I finally scanned all 5 pages in, attached the 5 files to my message to Gleb (took forever to upload, till I thought the connection might be out already, cos sometimes, shit happens), and sent it to him, all the while wondering whether I'd mess the thing up or not, cos I would be going out with Pamela later on.
Went out with Pamela, stuffed myself, got fat. Came back, checked mail, saw Gleb's CC stating that the 2005 A-Levels syllabus is similar to that of the VCE's. YES!! YESYESYESYESYES!!!!! I'm allowed to take Mathematical Modelling as an elective! Oh yeah, uh huh... BOO-YA!!! But the reply for the Music paper hasn't come yet, so when that one comes, to be safe, I'll confirm with Alison whether I can take MathMod or not (see? I even have a nickname for it already. Haha!)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 3: Kindred (Guess who's BA-ACK???!!!)
SYLAR, THAT'S WHO! BOOM-CHIKIYAKA!! Although they didn't show much of him, but they DID show what happened to him. Pity they replaced the girl playing Candice. The fact that she can make illusions shouldn't be the reason why they're using a new actress. Oh well. To be honest though, Candice got hers... I mean, she should've known that Sylar was a loose cannon, with or without powers.
The scenes with Hiro and Takezo were funny, as always. Hiro was adorable as usual, and Takezo was, well, Takezo. Money-grubbing. But he did start becoming a hero, when he went to fight the 90 Angry Ronin. "How angry ARE they?" Moments like these, priceless.
Peter's and Claire's arc was a bit dull. So was Maya and Alejandro's. At the end, I was like, "Finally, we get to see what's inside the bloody box." And the guy decides not to open it. Yet. At Claire's, I cracked up when West was asking about lizard and human procreation. M & A might be dull now, but seeing the previews, next week's going to rockin'!!! Beyond that, not much. Spoilers really do ruin me...
Exams in a little over three weeks, and I'm still excited about Heroes and watching Little Britain and Goodness Gracious Me. Dear me, oh my...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Heroes: Generations Chapter 2: Lizards
Basically this episode was okay for me. Even though I did read the spoilers first, I'm not entirely sure that it would've been, well, very impacting.
But one thing I liked about the episode was the humour. Scenes with Hiro and Kensei were hilarious! And they made the episode a little less boring. Another character I was interested in was Bob. Spoilers indicate that he's Molly's worse-than-boogeyman dude and Matt's father. Now THAT's messed up!
Can't wait for next week's episode though. Sylar's coming back!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Heroes Caption Contest IX -
The only time I win SOMETHING(!!) and I get no credit for it. In fact, no one's even gonna believe me! I've been joining the 0caption contests a few weeks now, and the reason I put '=p' as my username was 'cuz the HaLo topic's pretty controversial. Well, controversial enough to warrant a few mentions on E! Here's the picture with the caption below: I've tried to dump the picture with the comments in, but there's loads of cut-and-pasting to do, so I'll do it some other time. Linky: Heroes Caption Contest IX
(Finally figured out the link thingy!)
*sigh* Four more weeks to exams, and I'm barely even prepared. On the upside, if everything's okay tomorrow, I get to watch Heroes: Generations Episode 2!! That is, if everything turns out in my favour.