Friday, June 22, 2012

Four stakes and seven garlics ago...

EDIT: I just noticed that half of the post was redacted; apparently background color was set on white for some reason and this escaped me earlier. Apologies.

Forgive the lame attempt at putting a vampiric twist to those famous first words, but Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter just opened yesterday.

Normally I wouldn't toot about something like this (it's not The Avengers), but I just found out that it was directed by Timur Bekmambetov!!

Bekmambetov is mostly known for directing Wanted (James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie), but before that, he directed a not-so-little Russian movie called Day Watch, which I found super-confusing (on account that I can't differentiate between the male actors), but looks absolutely gorgeous in its chaotic little way.

I've been looking for the first movie, Night Watch, ever since, but no luck.

I tend to be a sucker for directors who have visual flair and make movies with sweeping camera shots and huge, glorious (albeit CG) set pieces and the occasional slow-mo action scene, with no sign of storyline anywhere.

Anyway, I hope to score some tickets on opening weekend, and should (I type that with great doubt, though) be able to have a review up shortly after that.

And no, I have not forgotten about Snow White; work has just been in the bloody way.

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