Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Resolutions!

Okay, I think I might have been a little bit too ambitious with my 2011 ones (but then again, I guess resolutions are supposed to get you out of your comfort zone), so I'ma go easy with my 2012 ones.

[End of the world peeps, don't wanna stretch myself too much.]

Yannoewhat, I'ma gonna go REAL easy with my 2012 resolutions, and just carry forward my 2011 ones. Sooo.. here they are, my 2012 resolutions!

[a.k.a. Out with the new, and in with the old.]

  1. Be more outgoing
  2. Blog more
  3. Movie-go more
  4. Procrastinate not
  5. Bitch less
  6. Judge and critique less (aha! This is a new one!)
  7. Lose weight
  8. Learn Mandarin 
  9. Take up dancing lessons
  10. Be nicer (I think this is also new, if not slightly more so)
That's just about all I can think of right now. I still have like, three movie reviews in backlog so I'm focusing on those at the moment :P

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