Okay, I think I might have been a little bit too ambitious with my 2011 ones (but then again, I guess resolutions are supposed to get you out of your comfort zone), so I'ma go easy with my 2012 ones.
[End of the world peeps, don't wanna stretch myself too much.]
Yannoewhat, I'ma gonna go REAL easy with my 2012 resolutions, and just carry forward my 2011 ones. Sooo.. here they are, my 2012 resolutions!
[a.k.a. Out with the new, and in with the old.]
- Be more outgoing
- Blog more
- Movie-go more
- Procrastinate not
- Bitch less
- Judge and critique less (aha! This is a new one!)
- Lose weight
- Learn Mandarin
- Take up dancing lessons
- Be nicer (I think this is also new, if not slightly more so)
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