Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dexter = <3

So I'm currently hooked onto Dexter, which is about a serial killer who has a day job in the Miami PD as a forensic blood spatter tech. He's emotionless, and he only kills bad guys who got away.

It's quite fun, really.

The show is currently in its third season over in the States, but knowing how S-L-O-W local TV is, we're just beginning Season 2.

Just to recap, Season 1 revolved around the Ice Truck Killer, who leaves chopped-up, bloodless (literally!), dead hookers for the PD to solve. Dexter gets in on it because the Ice Truck dude basically challenged the guy (as in Dex) when he left him a naked Barbie doll (with thin red ribbons to signify blood/cut marks) in Dex's fridge.

[Plus, I find Christian Camargo kinda cute. It's a bit weird.]

I don't want to spoil TOO much, but the excrement really strikes the propeller in the season finalé. That's how good I think the first season was.

I'm currently getting into the second season, where they're investigating Dexter (even though they don't know it yet), when people find the ass-ton of bad guys that Dex had dumped into the ocean.

So far, it's been interesting, but not as intriguing and gripping as the first season. I was hoping for another killer of Mr Ice Truck's calibre (or better) to go around whacking people in Miami. That would've been cool.

A bit tired, but cool.

Online vids, here I come.

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