Sunday, January 11, 2015

2015 Movie List,

and it's not very long because most of them don't interest me.

[Toldja I'd use the comma.]

  1. Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron - May 1st
  2. Ant Man - July 17th
  3. The Fantastic Four - August 7th
  4. Peanuts - November 6th
  5. Inferno - December 18th
  6. Star Wars: The Force Awakens - December 18th
No, the Avengers is not number one because it's my number one movie to watch, it's because there surprisingly wasn't anything interesting (to me) to watch before May 1.

Also, methinks Inferno is oblivious to Star Wars.

I have only six(!!) movies to watch, this year. Like usual, links lead to trailers on YouTube. I can't believe almost half of these movies don't have trailers yet. Whut.

So, six movies mean six reviews, which would be one less than what I achieved (so far) last year. Must... adhere... to... publishing... weekend reviews....

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