Thursday, October 23, 2014

I chose a totally good day to Google updates on the second Avengers movie.

The official trailer just leakeddropped! Usually I have awful timing and only get up to speed, like, a week later or something.

It seems that the official trailer was supposed to air during next week's episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but this was all over the Interwebz yesterday.

Marvel's reaction to this was:


and they relented and followed up with the official release (embedded below). Do watch in (H)HD!

Two-and-a-half minutes long, we finally get to see Ultron as portrayed by James Spader (having been teased in that awesome multi-character poster released some months ago), and he sounds fantastic at being foreboding and malevolent (I guess all that talking on his part in The Blacklist really helped). I cannot wait to see/hear him (heard he also did the motion capture) when Age of Ultron finally opens.

One more reason to look forward to Labour Day! iMax here I come!!*

*Disclaimer: Still dependent on whether I've the cajones to go through paying RM30 for something that might make me nauseous.

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