The San Diego Comic Con(vention) happened last weekend, and despite not being in the U-S-of-A, thank heavens for the Internet and people with cameraphones!
Here are some post-worthy (methinks) videos from YouTube:
I'm always game for a good dose of nostalgia, especially since Army of Darkness is one of my favourite movies. It's unfortunate that we don't get shows like these here on account of the violence. Or worse - we get the show but it's all cut upcensored.
I forgot Wonder Woman was in this, so I kinda flipped out when I saw her. Looks quite friggin' A.
The trailer's only gonna drop three weeks later, so fuck it, indeed. Can't wait for Febs next year (hopefully they don't postpone!).
And finally, this made be b'awww:
I love how this video made Greg look like he's talking to the audience (and how Garnet got everyone to clap along!).
[My next post will be on how speshul I find Steven Universe. Up soon!]
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