Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I see I've not posted substantial up in at least five months. Needless to say, the writer's block is back.

Naw, that's not right.

Saying that the block is 'back' would mean that the block had gone away at some point. It did not.

I honestly don't get why I can't write like I used to. It's not like I'm perfectly content with my life that I have absolutely no complaints. I am disgruntled about something almost every other hour every day, I have a shitload of things to bitch about, and yet I can't even sum up mere words to express how I feel, no matter how strong.

Granted, I'm not the most eloquent person in the world, but when it comes to writing, I think I can afford a little less modesty and say that I'm good when it comes to putting pen on paper. There are a lot of things I can't do, but the one thing I can, that I'm most proud of, is write.

And now I don't even have that anymore. Ugh.

Anyway, I have three movie reviews lined up since July, one Melbourne trip for chronicling that happened in 2009. Go figure.

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