Saturday, December 24, 2011


Ever heard the Paula DeAnda song of the same name? The term 'easy' is usually used for women rather than men (in fact, a lot of derogatory things are used to describe women), but this song comes to mind, if you're looking for opposite instances.

For me, I'm two minds: I think it's ton flattering if a non-repulsive guy shows interest, but if he shows so much interest that it borders or crosses that fine line between affection and desperation, no thank you.

All I'm saying is, the guy shouldn't play hard-to-get, but he also shouldn't put it the fuck out there for everyone to see.

Now, I will detail a situation that is still unfolding before my very eyes, and the futility of this entire exercise is what annoys me the most. More on this in a bit.

Right, here goes: Boy and Girl, separate departments. Boy shows interest; nay, Boy pens 'LOVES HER' in thick black letters on forehead, and proceeds to parade everywhere advertising said inkage in clear view on face. Girl is nonchalant; doesn't seem to encourage, but neither does she discourage.

Boy also likes to visit Girl at her workstation. A LOT.

You may begin to feel slightly sappy and go, "awwwww", but I would tell you at this point that Boy's favourite time to visit Girl is during proper working hours. Not during lunch, not after office hours, BLOODY HELL TO THE NO. He loves to visit her when the working environment is in full swing, and whenever he does, he has to walk right by me to get to her, because Girl's workstation is, unfortunately for me, fairly close to mine.

Oftentimes, Boy visits Girl right about when I am about to assign work to her, or when I need to ask her something work-related. This specifically cheeses me off, because for some reason I actually feel apologetic that I had interrupted his pathetic attempts at endearment in order to get some fucking work done.

Boy even organised a pre-birthday lunch for Girl ('cuz Girl was to take leave on her birthday day), and even got his senior colleague to drive him to the cake shop (so that he could get the cake without her being around), and then drive him to the restaurant we were to lunch in. I mean, aside from the totally un-fucking-necessary subterfuge, I am appalled that a mere month-old n00b actually had the audacity to ask of such a favor from his senior, considering the distance between the cake shop and the restaurant.

And yes, one month. That is how long Boy and Girl had only known each other, when all of the above was happening. The fact that Boy had already been exhibiting stalkerish tendencies within their first days in office, is already sickly sweet and/or shudderificly pathetic, depending on my mood.

That is not even the juicy part. You see, Girl is already, and currently still, in a relationship. /futility


Boy should be well aware of this fact, since everyone but me has Facebook these days, and he would've added her in a hummingbird's heartbeat. Like, if I had seen it on her Facebook (she was showing photos and I glimpsed), without a doubt he would have already.

[Unless he had blocked any and every memory of himself seeing her relationship status, and/or is currently in denial.]

Which further highlights the pointlessness of the entire situation. If you love her (or at least, like her deeply enough), stop trailing her like a lovesick asshatpuppy, man the eff up and tell her how you feel. Never mind she has a real boyfriend; ball will be in her court. It may hurt, but at least you'll know where you stand.

After all, all's fair in love, and fortune tends to have a soft spot for the bold.

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